
List of Current School Governors and appointing bodies. Please see individual links for brief biographies.

Chair of Governors: Suzannah Threlfall (Foundation Governor)

Vice Chair of Governors: Sharon King (Foundation Governor)

Alyce Andrews (Headteacher Ex-officio)

Brad Deysel (Foundation Governor)

Julie Becker (Foundation Governor)

Emma Baker (Local Authority Governor)

Sam McGeown (Foundation Governor)

Samantha Rowlands (Parent Governor)

Karen Gale (Staff Governor)

Lukasz Bochinski (Co-opted Governor)

Please contact the school office if you are interested in becoming a governor. 

Governing Board Responsibilities

The Government requires that each school has a governing board. As a Voluntary Aided school our team is made up of the various stakeholders that the school serves – the church, parents, local authority, and staff. Governors are either elected or appointed, for example parent governors are elected from the parent body, and foundation governors are nominated by the church.

The governing board works in partnership with the headteacher, staff, parents and the LA to raise standards of achievement in the school, led by the Chair of Governors. The main functions of the governing board are to:

  • Provide a strategic view

  • Act as a critical friend

  • Ensure accountability

The governing board has wide-ranging responsibilities and works with the Headteacher and staff to:

  • Agree the aims and values of the school

  • Make decisions on the budget and approve the School Improvement Plan

  • Ensure that the National Curriculum is taught

  • Monitor and review the school’s progress       

  • Ensure that individual pupil’s needs are met, including special needs

  • Be involved in the recruitment of staff

  • Provide information about school for parents

  • Establish and maintain positive links with the church and the local community

To find out more about the work of the governing board, please see the correspondence section below.

 Declarations on Register of Business & Pecuniary Interests  

All governors have declared that they do not have any register of business and pecuniary interests with All Saints Primary School. 

Governing Board of All Saints CE Primary School  and Attendance for 2023/2024

PDF icon Governor_Attendance_2023-24.pdf



Curriculum and Vision in Action

Committee Chair:  Mrs Suzannah Threlfall


PDF icon Parental Survey Results June 2024

Chair of Governors' Letter to Parents - Autumn Term 2024

Governing Board Letter from former Chair - Autumn Term 2024

Who do I contact if I am interested in becoming a school governor?

Please contact the school office, who will pass your details on to the Chair of Governors.

Email address - 

Contact telephone number - 01403 270460